Tuesday, April 14, 2009


There are words that yearn to be heard, but they have no voice themselves.
Words of concession, contrite words of caring, forgiveness, and compassion.
Is there a heart that will welcome them in like manner?
I would like to believe there is, but I am hesitant to accept such a risk.

Words cannot make their own way; they need a method of delivery.
Words cannot create their own effect; they can only prompt a thought…a response.
Words alone, cannot heal feelings, create anger, or bring unending despair.
But words are powerful when mixed with God’s grace.
Sometimes shared, they can heal a conflicted past, a personal tragedy, or childhood grief.
Or be a verbal act grace, compassion, and forgiveness, comfort, or harmony.

Words, as such, are but faint expressions of our feelings that originate in our minds, are filtered through
past experiences, and pass through our hearts on their way to the intended. Such expressions
can be accepted with love and sincerity, forgiveness and grace, or they can be turned away with
malice, claiming devious intent.

When a love dies, it seems to always die in a way that prevents the words, which clamor for a voice, from
finding the intended for passionate interpretation. It matters not if the heart is hardened, broken, or the intent noble. These words do not get said, and have not a chance to penetrate the darkness. Quite simply, they are destined to become just letters in a row, eventually fading away, while waiting for a whisper, a caring voice, to deliver them to the forgiving heart of a lost love. Eternally in search of a resting place, where they can forever live, in love, comfort, and belonging.

dw 04’

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